We made major structural changes with the v1.9 update. You can’t use your existing translation file anymore. Please follow below steps to integrate an existing translation file to the new system.

  1. Backup your translations files which is placed into the wp-content > themes > pointfinder > languages folder.
  2. Copy translation files to the wp-content > languages > plugins folder and fin your translation file. (Ex: pointfindercoreelements-fr_FR.po)
  3. Update your translation files by using pointfindercoreelements.pot file. Update steps;
    – Open your translation files by using Poedit software.
    – Go to Menu > Catalog > Update from the pot file section and click.
    – Choose pointfindercoreelements.pot file and save.
    Poedit will keep your existing translations and migrate translation file with the new system.
  4. Migration is completed for plugin section. Now Let’s start to update theme translation file.
  5. Go to wp-content > languages > themes folder again and open your existing translation file(Ex: pointfinder-fr_FR.po).
  6. Use the same steps with the 3rd section and use pointfinder.pot file to update your translation files.
  7. Save and close files.
  8. Congratulations.

Please contact us by using our support forum if you meet any problem while converting your translation files.