Theme Translation File Update Process

  1. Backup your translations files which is placed into the wp-content > themes > pointfinder > languages folder.
  2. Open your translation files by using Poedit software.
  3. Go to Menu > Catalog > Update from the pot file section and click.
  4. Choose pointfinder.pot file and save.
  5. Poedit will keep your existing translations and migrate translation file with the new system.
  6. Now you can see new translation words on your file.
  7. Save and close files.
  8. Congratulations.

Plugin Translation File Update Process

  1. Backup your translations files which is placed into the wp-content > plugins > pointfindercoreelements > languages folder.
  2. Open your translation files by using Poedit software.
  3. Go to Menu > Catalog > Update from the pot file section and click.
  4. Choose pointfindercoreelements.pot file and save.
  5. Poedit will keep your existing translations and migrate translation file with the new system.
  6. Now you can see new translation words on your file.
  7. Save and close files.
  8. Congratulations.